For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
Grades are assigned to Juris Doctor candidates on the basis of the instructor’s judgment of the student’s scholastic achievement using the grading system below.
Juris Doctor candidates may earn a limited number of credits on a pass/fail basis. Successful completion of such courses is indicated by the letter P. Some courses are offered only on a credit/no-credit basis. Successful completion of such courses is indicated by the code CR. Unsuccessful completion is indicated by the code NC. LL.M. Grading SystemGrades are assigned solely on the basis of the instructor's judgment as to the LL.M. student's scholarly attainment.
S.J.D. Course Grading SystemThe following courses are graded with an ‘R’ (Research) for successful progress or completion: SJD 902 Research Methods Seminar, SJD 903 SJD Dissertation and SJD 904 SJD Candidacy. No GPA is calculated for these courses. The ‘R’ (Research) grade remains on the student transcript as the final evaluation of the course. If the faculty advisor determines that the candidate is not maintaining successful progress toward degree completion, an ‘F’ (Failure) may be assigned.