For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
The Library Proxy Service will allow faculty to authorize their research assistants to check out or place holds on library materials held by any Penn State Library directly to the faculty member’s library account.
The Proxy form is available online. (Please download and print the form.) Both the faculty member and the designated proxy (the research assistant) must sign the authorization. The proxy should then bring the completed form and their PSU ID to their campus Law Library Circulation Supervisor (see Contact Information) who will create the Proxy Card. This service is available weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
To check out materials from any PSU library in-person on behalf of a faculty member:
Upon presentation of the Proxy Card and their PSU ID, a proxy may:
The Proxy Card does not permit student proxies to submit requests for ILLs of materials on behalf of faculty members using Penn State’s automated interlibrary loan system (ILLiad). Once an ILL request has been submitted directly to the proxy/student’s account, it cannot be transferred to the faculty account.
To request ILLs, faculty members must set up their own ILLiad account using the following link:
Note: The account creation takes about three days, so we strongly encourage faculty to create that account if they have not yet done so.
Upon presentation of the Proxy Card and their PSU ID, a proxy may:
Rebecca Mattson, Scholarly Communications and Faculty Services Librarian – (814) 867-2239
Alison Ruckert, Access Services Supervisor, University Park — (814) 865-8863