For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
Some policies listed below will not be in effect during the 20/21 Academic Year due to COVID-19-related health and safety considerations.
The library is an important resource for the entire Law School community and a commons which is shared by many. Students who abuse this facility and hinder the work of others will be subject to the Law School's disciplinary procedures.
LIBRARIAN HOURS: Librarians are on duty Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
BEVERAGES, FOOD AND SMOKING: Smoking or vaping of any material is not permitted in the library. This includes the burning of any type of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, e-cigarette or any other smoking or vaping equipment, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material. For more information, see the University Policy on Smoking.
Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in the Law Library in spill-resistant containers only (e.g., those with a top, lid, or cap that firmly closes and that is unlikely to come off if knocked over).
Long periods of study often require occasional quick energy boosts, so the Law Library will permit the consumption of small, non-messy snack foods (breakfast bars, cookies, raisins, candy, etc.) as long as any wrappers or crumbs are thrown away before leaving the area. More substantial “meal-type” foods (such as salads, sandwiches, soup, pizza, fast food meals, anything heated and/or eaten with utensils, meals purchased at Au Bon Pain, food that emits strong odors, etc.) are not permitted anywhere in the Law Library. No food deliveries are to be made to the Law Library (except during specially approved Law School events). There are many lounge and food service areas throughout both buildings where such foods may be eaten.
Law Library personnel may require users to take food and drink that does not comply with this policy out of the libraries.
QUIET STUDY: While it is expected that users will keep conversations and other noise to a minimum throughout the Law Library, this is particularly true in the University Park Reading Room (Katz Building, Library Room 320) which is typically reserved for quiet reading and research. Conversations and collaborative/group work should not be conducted in these areas at any time.
DIGITAL CENTER: (UP Law Library Room 318) The Digital Center is designed primarily as a technology teaching and collaborative instruction space. The networked computers, printers, and scanners in this area may be used for general student computing without reservations except at times when the room is reserved for technology teaching and training sessions. Times during which the digital center will not be open for general use will be posted outside its door and students are asked not to disrupt these reserved sessions.
PUBLIC WORKSTATIONS: There are public workstations scattered throughout the Law Library intended primarily to access the Library online catalog (The CAT), research databases, and other short-term tasks. These computers may be used for general computing (web browsing, checking e-mail, etc.), but lengthy computer projects should generally be done using personally-owned laptops, not the public workstations, whenever possible.
CIRCULATION POLICIES: Circulation policies can be found online.
A valid Penn State ID card must be presented to check out materials. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE WILL BE PERMITTED FOR PENN STATE USERS. Materials may be checked out only during regular library hours and may not be removed from the library or taken from the reserve shelves at other times. Unauthorized removal, hiding, or mutilation of books will subject the student to the school's disciplinary procedures. Library employees may inspect the books, briefcases, and effects of persons leaving the library. Students are responsible for returning to the circulation desk all books which were checked out for general circulation.
Library materials must be renewed online or in person. Library materials cannot be renewed by telephone.
INTERLIBRARY LOAN SERVICES: Information on interlibrary loan services can be found online.
Interlibrary loan service is available to all students, faculty, and staff. For materials that are not held by this library, please submit requests electronically using ILLiad. A Penn State ID and password are required to access the system and first time users will be required to complete a profile, including preferred pick-up location. Users are advised to plan in advance when interlibrary loans are anticipated, since loans from distant libraries can take several weeks to arrive.
OVERDUE BOOKS AND FINES: Information on borrowing privileges and overdue fines can be found online.
Overdue notices and fine notices will be sent via e-mail; please check “My Account” on the Penn State Libraries website to make certain that your e-mail address and other information is correct.
GROUP STUDY ROOMS: The Law Library offers group study rooms for use of law students only. Groups of two or more may reserve these study rooms for up to two hours per day with two one-hour renewals possible if there are no subsequent reservations. Users without reservations are expected to vacate study rooms when a group with reservations arrives. See the Library Service Desk staff for reservation/sign-up information. All rules concerning food and drink apply to the group study rooms.
CARRELS AND TABLES: Carrels and tables are not personal property. Carrel or table space may not be claimed for an extended period of time without actually occupying the seat. Carrels and tables will be cleared of ALL unattended items periodically throughout the day.
Only laptop computers and other study aids may be plugged into outlets in the library. No appliances are permitted in the library and will be removed if discovered. No extension cords will be permitted in the library, whether in carrels or for use with laptops on tables.
PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: You may borrow materials from any of the University Libraries using your Penn State ID card. Each library will have its own circulation rules. You are expected to observe the rules of each library. Failure to return materials on time to these libraries will subject students and faculty to the penalties outlined above in the overdue books and fines section.
CELL PHONE USE: Cell phone conversations disrupt others’ expectations of quiet study and research space. Cell phones should be turned off or put on silent mode whenever you are in the Law Library, and no calls should be answered or initiated from anywhere within the Law Library. Cell phones may be used in the buildings' lobbies or other common areas.
PETS: Penn State policy (SY07) prohibits bringing animals into University buildings. As a result, pets and other animals, with the exception of authorized service animals, are not allowed in the Law Library or elsewhere in Law School buildings at any time.
AFTER-HOURS ACCESS TO THE LAW LIBRARY: After-hours access to the Law Library is limited to Penn State Law and SIA communities.
During all hours when the Law Library is closed, law, SIA, and LL.M. students, faculty, and staff may use their Penn State ID cards to access the Law Library. To enter the Law Library, slide your PSU ID through the swipe card readers outside of the main door to the Library.
Propping the Law Library doors open is not permitted and will result in an audible alarm and notification to local police authorities.
EMERGENCY EXITS: All users of the Law Library are to enter and exit through the library's main entrance only unless otherwise authorized. Other library doors are not to be used except in emergencies. An alarm will sound whenever these doors are opened.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: All users should protect their personal property from theft by assuring that valuables are not left unattended in the Law Library. Neither the Law Library nor the Law School will be responsible for lost or stolen property.