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For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
Taught by Professor Samuel C. Thompson Jr., Arthur Weiss Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Penn State Law in University Park
In order to assist lawyers who are advising minority owned businesses, Professor Thompson is making his course, Minority Business Development, available online to the general public at no cost.
The online version of this course is being provided for personal enrichment and/or professional development purposes only. Individuals who access the online course, and who are not enrolled at Penn State Law in University Park, will not receive academic credit, participate in classroom discussions, submit assignments, or receive feedback from Professor Thompson.
This seminar is divided into three parts: Introduction and in-depth analysis of the minority-white gap in business ownership; the lawyer's essential tools in representing a minority-owned small business; and the big ideas for addressing the minority-white gap in business ownership. Professor Thompson is teaching the course concurrently to Penn State Law students in the fall 2021 semester. As the semester progresses, recordings of each lecture and supplemental course materials will be made available at the link below.