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Alumni Spotlight

Iyadh Abid speaks during a spring 2019 class on human rights
Penn State Law alumni Iyadh Abid (’16 LL.M.) and Teleicia Dambreville (’13 J.D.) returned to campus this spring to accept the 2019 Penn State Alumni Association Alumni Achievement Award.
Stormie Mauck, a 2019 graduate of Penn State Law in University Park, was recently awarded one of the inaugural Professor Louis Del Duca Memorial Awards in Business Law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association business law section.
Mohammad Abdulla at his dissertation defense
Penn State Law S.J.D. alumnus Mohammad Abdulla is now working as a professor in his home country at United Arab Emirates University.
The Penn State Alumni Association will honor alumna Rebecca Buckley-Stein, a 2015 Penn State Law graduate, with the Alumni Achievement Award this month.
Krombach and Samuel | Penn State Law
“It’s common for me to reach out to former classmates of mine who are also judge advocates if I have a question or an issue. The Penn State community is alive and active in the military.”
“I was learning about the legal injustices that our veterans face at about the same time my cousin came back from serving in the Middle East and faced a lot of those same issues, ultimately passing away. I couldn’t help but think if he’d had the services he needed, he’d still be with us. I realized that I had to do something—a recurring theme in my life.”
Ben Haight, Penn State Law alumni and lieutenant in the Navy JAG Corps
“Penn State Law is an incredible school and our students find success in all areas of legal practice, but if you’re thinking about coming to law school and joining the JAG Corps, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a better place."
Dean Houck, Kelly Lloyd and President Barron | Penn State Law
The Penn State Alumni Association presented Penn State Law alumna and advisory board member Kelly Lloyd ’10 with the Alumni Achievement Award on March 31.
The Penn State Alumni Association will honor Penn State Law alumna and advisory board member Kelly Lloyd ’10 with the Alumni Achievement Award, which recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of alumni 35 years of age and younger.
The Hon. D. Brooks Smith, an adjunct professor at Penn State Law and a graduate of the Penn State Dickinson School of Law, was chosen as a 2017 recipient of the Penn State Distinguished Alumni Award, the highest honor presented by the University to its alumni.
