Penn State-McGill summer law program gains CIArb recognitionPenn State Law has been granted "Recognised Course Provider" (RCP) status by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) for its Summer Program in Arbitration Law (2009-2012). Graduates of the program may be exempted from the CIArb introductory course and become associate members of the Institute.
Kevin R. Steele '92 re-elected to Alumni CouncilKevin R. Steele ’92 of Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, was elected to a second term on the Penn State University Alumni Council. The council is an all-volunteer governing body that guides and directs policy for the Penn State Alumni Association.
Lewis Katz Building wins accolades for designPenn State Law's Lewis Katz Building, designed by Ennead Architects of New York (formerly Polshek Partnership), has received honors from the Society of American Registered Architects New York Council (SARA NY), the Society of American Registered Architects Pennsylvania Council (SARA PA) and the highest, Platinum rating from the College Designer Collabetition Awards for design excellence.
Pennsylvania Natural Gas Summit explores the impacts of Marcellus ShaleThe 2009 Pennsylvania Natural Gas Summit, which will be held at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College on November 16-18, will address the challenges, opportunities, and related actions associated with water use and disposal, regional infrastructure development, issues for local governments, identification of local economic opportunities, and legal issues related to natural gas leasing and development so that stakeholders can make informed, educated decisions that best suit the needs of the region.
Professor Farmer to testify before House Judiciary CommitteeAt the request of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Courts and Competition, Penn State Law Professor Beth Farmer will testify at a hearing on the impact of China's antitrust Law and other competition policies on U.S. Companies. Particular issues to be addressed include merger review, monopoly, state owned enterprises, and intellectual property. The hearing will be held in 2141 Rayburn House Office Building on Tuesday, July 13 at 4 p.m.
Pittsburgh area architects award Lewis Katz Building architectural design honorPenn State University Dickinson School of Law's Lewis Katz Building, designed by Ennead Architects of New York (formerly Polshek Partnership), has received an Honor Award from American Institute of Architects (AIA) Pittsburgh. Each year, AIA Pittsburgh hosts the Design Awards to recognize and honor architects and designers, and promote excellence, innovation and achievement in the craft of architecture.
LGBT activist Dan Savage to speak at the Law SchoolWorld-renowned LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual) advocate Dan Savage will deliver an interactive presentation on the importance of diversity and the impact of homophobic policy on the LGBT community at the Penn State University Dickinson School of Law on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
Pedro A. Cortés ’99 accepts new position at Everyone CountsPedro Cortés ’99 resigned as Secretary of the Commonwealth on June 11, 2010, to become executive vice president of Everyone Counts, a company specializing in military and overseas voting technology. In his new role, Cortés’ primary responsibility is strategic business development, including the Latin American and Caribbean marketplace.