Summer Work 2010Finding meaningful work during the summer is important for law students to gain on-the-job experience as well as build connections with other associates and legal professionals. Penn State Law is featuring a series on what students are doing this summer.
Professor Romero discusses pending PA immigration billAs the debate over Arizona's immigration bill continues to heat up, other states, including Pennsylvania, are considering passing similar legislation. Penn State Law Professor Victor Romero discusses House Bill 2479, which is modeled after Arizona's law, on the morning edition of NPR.
Professor Kit Kinports looks at Kagan nominationConfirmation hearings for the nomination of Elena Kagan to replace the soon-to-retire John Paul Stevens on the United States Supreme Court are scheduled to begin in the U.S. Senate today. Kit Kinports, Polisher Family Distinguished Faculty Scholar and professor of law at Penn State, said that while the politically charged times could factor into the hearings, Kagan's careful approach also could make the process smoother.
Professor Maluwa serves on jury for Stockholm Prize in CriminologyDr. Tiyanjana Maluwa, School of International Affairs director and the Law School’s associate dean for international affairs attended the annual meeting of the International Jury of the 2010 Stockholm Prize in Criminology held in the Swedish capital on June 13, 2010.
Penn State undergrads get a taste of law schoolFrom sun up to sun down, thirty-five Penn State undergrads experienced the intensity of what it’s like to be a law student. For one student who has dreamed of becoming a lawyer since the age of seven, the Explore Law program sponsored by Penn State Law was a reality check.
Environmental Law Professor Jamison Colburn on the BP Gulf oil spillProfessor Jamison Colburn worked as an enforcement litigator for the EPA prior to joining Penn State Law. Focusing his scholarship and teaching on environmental law and policy, he writes extensively about the protection of wildlife habitat and endangered species. He recently shared his thoughts on the BP Gulf oil spill.
Dean McConnaughay joins law school deans in demanding law professor's freedomThe arrest and treatment of U.S. defense lawyer Peter Erlinder, a faculty member at William Mitchell College of Law, has prompted widespread international condemnation, including from American law school deans and a statement from the American Bar Association. In a letter dated June 7 to Rwandan Ambassador Kimonyo, Penn State Law Dean Philip J. McConnaughay joined 89 other U.S. law school deans urging the release of Erlinder.