At Penn State Law, we care deeply about our students thriving individually and collectively. In 2020, Penn State Law became a pledge member of the ABA Wellbeing Campaign. We joined over 200 law firms, corporate entities, government agencies, legal aid organizations in adopting and prioritizing a seven-point framework for building a better future. Also, we created the Penn State Law Wellbeing Taskforce. The group consists of student leaders, faculty, and staff. The purpose of the taskforce is to create comprehensive wellbeing awareness, programming, and outreach. We are committed to helping you take care of yourself mentally, physically, socially, emotionally and financially. If you are concerned about a peer, we hope the resources will assist you AND them.
Penn State Law promotes mental health and wellness in a number of ways: offering counseling assistance at the law school; regular yoga and mindfulness sessions; social events; mentoring opportunities for students; workshops on wellbeing and more. Also, Penn State and the Centre County community offer a plethora of options for feeling whole and well.
The Office of Student Services
We are here to support you. Please feel free to contact us for immediate assistance or resources. The Office of Student Services is located in Katz Suite 107. You can call us at 814-863-1920, or email at StudentServices@PennStateLaw.psu.edu.
Resources to help you cope effectively with life and create satisfying relationships:
PSU Resources
Off-campus Resources
Helpful Apps, Podcasts, and Websites
Resources to boost personal satisfaction and enrichment from one's work:
- Hands-on experience (after your first year) through experiential learning-clinics and practicums, externships, practice-oriented courses, summer experiences, extracurricular advocacy, and legal research and writing
- One-on-One career advising appointments in Career Services for career path guidance and planning.
- You are joining a Penn State network of over 726,141 alumni across the world. Penn State Law has an extensive network of alumni, Penn State-Dickinson Law and PSU graduates with law degrees who have offered to discuss their career paths with current students.
- A variety of career-related panels held throughout the academic year.
Resources that recognize the need for healthy food, physical activity, and ample sleep:
Resources for recognizing creative abilities, and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills:
Resources to help you understand and expand your sense of purpose and meaning:
- Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development, offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote an environment of appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity.
- Weekly free meditation sessions hosted by the Penn State Health Promotion
- A number of student groups that are centered on various religious faiths
- A private reflection room in the Montague Law Library, Room 316A
Resources to support current and future financial situations:
Resources that provide pleasant, stimulating environments:
Resources that foster a sense of connection and belonging:
- Funding for over 20 different student groups and organizations, covering a wide variety of interests and activities
- First-year students can participate in the Mentor Program and are provided an academic advisor, alumni mentor, and peer mentor
- Student Services works with students daily and can help you connect with your classmates