Looking for employment outside of Pennsylvania? Reciprocity may help ease the stress. Reciprocity is a mutual exchange of services between law schools. Thus, a graduate of Penn State Law may utilize the career services of another law school through a grant of reciprocity.
Each school has its own policy regarding reciprocity. Most schools require a written request on behalf of a Penn State Law graduate from the Career Services Office at least two weeks before an anticipated visit. The duration of reciprocity and the type of services that may be granted vary from school to school. Additionally, we may request reciprocity from only one school at a time. In some geographic regions, reciprocity is also restricted to one grant of reciprocity from the region.
Feel free to call us (814) 867-1255 to set up a telephone review about whether a request for reciprocity may be helpful to you. Please address official requests for reciprocity or additional information in letter form to the Penn State Law Career Services Office at pslcareers@pennstatelaw.psu.edu.
Reciprocity Policy Statement
The Penn State Law Career Services Office provides access to its resources to both students and alumni/ae of law schools on the following basis:
- Services are available only to those law schools that allow Penn State Law students and/or alumni/ae reciprocal use of their services and facilities.
- Services may be denied to students/graduates of any school seen to surpass a reasonable number of requests or which limits the number of requests by Penn State Law students or graduates.
- Requests for services must be made in writing by a Career Counseling official of the law school that the student/graduate attends/attended and must be received in advance of the visit.
- Requests for reciprocity will not be honored from August 1 through November 15.
- Upon approval, reciprocity will be granted for a period of three months commencing with the date of the approval letter. Services available to reciprocity students/graduates include:
- Career Library — Resources are not available to be checked out.
- Graduate Job Postings — Access to the Penn State Law Job Postings on LAW LION CAREERS are accessible to non-alumni that are granted reciprocity for a period of 90 days. This service will not be available to graduates of schools whose reciprocity policy excludes job postings or Internet access to the job postings.
- Student Job Postings — Students from other law schools that have been granted reciprocity may actively search LAW LION CAREERS listings. They will be given instructions and passwords to access the Penn State Law Job Posting website for a period of 90 days. This service will not be available to graduates of schools whose reciprocity policy excludes job postings or Internet access to the job postings.
- Services not available to reciprocity students/graduates include: Counseling services; on campus Internet access to the job postings; other password–protected services; telephones; recruitment programs and job fairs.
- Penn State Law reserves the right to alter this policy without advance notice.