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Fri, 03/01/2024 - 3:54pm -- szb5706

For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.

Penn State
Lewis Katz Building, University Park, PA
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Welcome to recruiting at Penn State Law in University Park! Whether this is your organization's first time recruiting at Penn State Law, or if your team has welcomed numerous students and alumni into your organization, the Career Services Office (CSO) is here to help you create the recruiting strategy that fits your needs. We invite you to explore our recruitment options below and contact us with any questions, or to discuss additional options. You can learn more about our incredible alumni and their career paths here.

Recruiting Services

The Career Services Office (CSO) welcomes employers to recruit our students and alumni for school year, summer, and post-graduate positions.  We offer a variety of services to help create individualized recruiting strategies to best meet the needs of each employer.

There is no fee to participate in any of our programs and employers can preselect all candidates.  In lieu of any fees, Penn State Law invites employers participating in our Recruitment Programs to consider making a voluntary $250 contribution to our Public Interest Law Foundation Summer Fellowship Fund.  Fully 100% of these donations are used to fund our program which provides stipends to those students who have accepted unpaid summer internships with public interest employers.  Each summer, this program helps provide legal services to those most in need of the energy, dedication and talent of Penn State Law students.  100% of the contribution is tax-deductible.  No additional privileges or allowances are granted or removed in connection with any donation.

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Penn State Law Employer Recruiting Provisions

Non-Discrimination Policy