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Fri, 03/01/2024 - 3:54pm -- szb5706

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Enhanced Academic Support Program

At the conclusion of each semester, students with cumulative or semester GPA’s under or equal to 2.70 but not subject to dismissal under the current Academic Standing Rule (requiring a cumulative and semester GPA of at least 2.0 for continued good standing) will be notified by the Associate Dean for Academic Success that they are in good standing, but subject to fulfillment of the conditions of the Enhanced Academic Support Program as described below.

Students in the Enhanced Academic Support Program must:

  1. As a condition to eligibility to register and schedule courses in each of the remaining semesters, obtain approval from the Associate Dean for Academic Success of their proposed course schedule.

  2. Obtain prior, written permission of Associate Dean for Academic Success to

    1. assume a leadership position in student government/student organizations;

    2. engage in employment; or

    3. enroll in any semester away program including Externships Everywhere and Semester in Washington.

  3. In courses where faculty permit, review their exams from the previous semester and then meet with the Associate Dean for Academic Success to discuss the common feedback received on his or her work.

  4. Participate in academic support programs that the Associate Dean for Academic Success deems appropriate which will typically include mandatory tutoring and workshops designed to improve academic performance.

  5. Enroll in and satisfactorily complete BAREX 900: Fundamental Skills for the Bar Exam in Spring of the third year.

The Enhanced Academic Support Program will end if the student achieves a 2.70 cumulative GPA at the end of any semester. A student who fails to satisfy any of these conditions shall be subject to dismissal under the procedure set forth in Academic Standing Rules.