For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
As a visitor to our campus, you can access our free AT&T Wi-Fi visitor wireless service from your personal computer or Wi-Fi enabled device. When searching for a wireless network on your device, you will see "attwifi,” which, once selected, can open any Web browser on your laptop or other wireless enabled device. You will see the AT&T Wi-Fi connection page to agree to the terms of service before being connected to the Internet.
The free network is not intended for use by anyone other than visitors to Penn State and can accommodate visitors’ general tasks such as checking email and Web browsing. However, like most open Wi-Fi hotspots, the visitor network is an unsecured connection and caution should be used when sending or receiving sensitive information.
The free visitor wireless service will be offered wherever wireless is available at most Penn State campus locations. Areas that are not covered under this agreement include campus residence halls, the Pennsylvania College of Technology, and facilities and venues serviced through other AT&T Wi-Fi arrangements.
Instructions for connecting to the AT&T Visitor Wireless service at Penn State are available at More information about Penn State’s Wireless service is available at
Visitors having trouble connecting to or using the AT&T Wi-Fi service should contact the AT&T Wi-Fi Technical Operations Center toll-free at 888-888-7520 or email