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Chapter Two: Violations

2.1 — Violations:
   A. Giving or securing any information about the content of an examination except as authorized by the examining professor.
  B. Consulting or copying from any books, papers, notes, or other materials of any kind during an examination except as authorized by the examining professor.
  C. Taking more time for completing an examination than is permitted except as authorized by the examining professor or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (Associate Dean).
  D. Violating any other rules of Penn State Law or a member of its faculty pertaining to the administration of examinations or the completion of course work.
  E. Violating any rule set forth by Penn State Law applicable to clinics, to field placements, to the moot court programs or to any legal writing or skills competition recognized or supported by Penn State Law, regardless of whether academic credit is given.
  F. Violations of academic integrity.  Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, copying, plagiarism, fabrication of information or citations, facilitation of acts of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, and tampering with the academic work of other students.  Plagiarism is the act, either intentional or unintentional, of stating or implying that another person’s work is your own. To maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism, students must adhere to the guidelines for all Penn State students, the guidelines for Penn State Law students, and any more specific requirements supplied by the course instructor.
  G. Authorizing the plagiarism of one's work regardless of whether academic credit is given.
  H. Removing, concealing, withholding, destroying, mutilating or otherwise abusing any library material or other Penn State Law property without authorization.
  I. Taking, using, concealing, withholding, destroying, mutilating, or otherwise abusing the property of another, including, without limitation, books, briefs, class notes, outlines, or any other academic items, without authorization.
  J. Misrepresenting any material fact in order to gain an unfair academic advantage or a benefit or service to which the student would otherwise not be entitled.
  K. Falsely representing class attendance or participation in a course related activity. 
  L. Misrepresenting the student's academic achievement, record, or other activities in connection with seeking employment, financial aid, scholarships, scholarly awards, or admission into any program at an educational institution. 
  M. Disruption or obstruction of Penn State Law teaching, research, administration or disciplinary procedures.
  N. Interfering with the investigation and disposition of any violation or alleged violation of the Honor Code, including but not limited to a knowingly false accusation, a misstatement to the investigating team, an unprivileged failure to testify, perjury, interference with witnesses, or intimidation of witnesses.
  O. Failing to comply with a sanction imposed by the Honor Committee.
  P. Alteration, fabrication, or misuse of, or obtaining unauthorized access to Penn State or  Penn State Law identification cards, other documents, or computer files or systems.