For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
For up-to-date information regarding the reunification of Penn State's two law schools, please click here.
For law students who are interested in careers in international public policy or business, Penn State Law offers a curriculum that explores how the laws of global governing bodies and sovereign states interact and differ worldwide. The law school’s close connection to the Penn State School of International Affairs (SIA) means law students can easily take SIA courses or pursue a joint J.D./Master of International Affairs.
Students may earn Concentration recognition in International, Foreign, and Comparative Law using courses from the Selected Courses section below. J.D. students must earn a minimum of 12 credits and LL.M. students a minimum of 9 credits. A minimum grade of ‘C’ is required for each course being used toward this Concentration. Upon verification of completion, students will receive a document of recognition.
Declare your intent to complete this Concentration - Concentration Declaration Application
International, Foreign, and Comparative Law Faculty
Additional Experiential Opportunities:
*Associate Dean for Academic Affairs approval required: Will count towards the concentration if the work is related to the concentration.