Institute on Tax Aspects of M&A will address new approaches for the economic recoveryAgainst a backdrop of renewed global corporate confidence, one-third of global businesses are looking for new acquisitions in the next six months. The New York City Bar Center for CLE and Penn State’s Center for the Study of Mergers and Acquisitions will kick off its 8th Annual Institute on Tax Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions next week.
SIA, Center for Global Studies to host collaboration with UgandaIn cooperation with the World Bank and the Global Knowledge Initiative, the School of International Affairs will present the first ever “From Lab to the Field: Putting Penn State's Innovations to Work to Solve Real World Challenges” on April 22. The public is welcome.
Sexting panel attracts community attentionArea news crews converged at the Lewis Katz Building last evening to cover the panel discussion “Words, Camera, Legal Action: Teen Sexting and its Consequences,” hosted by the William Penn Chapter of the international law fraternity Phi Alpha Delta (PAD).
In step with Joe DevineGood lawyers are precise. They multitask. They focus on the big picture while thinking on their feet. Joe Devine ’11 got a head start on building those skills before 110,000 fans as a member of the iconic Penn State Blue Band.
Alumni take on law and science of intelligent designDuring the six-week trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover School District, the fate of scientific education in America hung in the balance in the courtroom of Judge John Jones III ’80. It was the first case testing whether intelligent design could legally be taught as part of a science class in public school.
Today Judge Jones visited Penn State Law to reflect on the case and intelligent design with fellow alumnus Frank Ravitch ’91, a scholar of law, religion, and philosophy.
Event will drill into Marcellus Shale issuesToday more than 2,000 natural gas drilling wells dot the Keystone State, while millions of gallons of water are pumped into the earth in an effort to fracture natural gas from deep rock formations. The Penn State Environmental Law Review invites the public to an interdisciplinary event that will examine the legal and environmental aspects of Marcellus Shale drilling in the Northeast on February 10.