Following a three-month comprehensive planning process involving more than 250 faculty, staff, and administrators across 16 task groups, Penn State officials have determined the University can meet or exceed the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s guidelines for colleges and universities to return to campus, and look forward to welcoming back faculty, staff, and students to resume on-campus, in-person classes and other activities this fall in a limited fashion. For more information, please visit More details on what this will look like at Penn State Law are forthcoming. Penn State has put together this helpful list of FAQs that you can review, also.
Penn State health and safety officials are closely monitoring the global outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a new strain of coronavirus. For the latest information about the presence of coronavirus in Pennsylvania, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health. For the latest coronavirus related updates at Penn State, visit the Penn State coronavirus website.
Penn State Office of the Physical Plant Environmental Health & Safety has released this guidance on cloth masks.
Beginning Tuesday, May 12, students residing in areas not currently under travel restrictions may retrieve belongings from the Katz Building at a pre-scheduled time. The building remains closed for all other purposes. For procedures and guidelines to retrieve your belongings, please review Dean Osofsky’s email of May 9, 2020.
Penn State Law Community Information
06/14/2020 Announcement by President Barron About the Fall
05/11/2020 Continuing Information and Listening Sessions During the Summer
05/09/2020 Congratulations to Our Graduates and Update on Locker Clean Out
05/06/2020 Guidance on Building Access & Telecommuting
05/05/2020 Penn State Law COVID-19 Student Support Fund
04/30/2020 Good Luck with Exams and Weekly Update of Support Services for Students
04/24/2020 Follow Up on Penn State Actions Through June 30: Penn State Law/SIA Implications
04/23/2020 Update from Penn State on Actions Through June 30
04/22/2020 Update on Mental Health and Wellness Resources
04/16/2020 Updates on Summer Instruction and on Stimulus/Student Support Funding
04/15/2020 Updated Penn State Law Spring 2020 Grading Policy
04/14/2020 Further Information on Penn State Law Commencement
04/06/2020 Update on Penn State Law Commencement
04/06/2020 Virtual Resources for Upcoming Religious Holidays
04/03/2020 Mental Health and Self Care Resources
04/02/2020 Update on Penn State Law Grading Policy
03/28/2020 Update on Governor's Stay at Home Order
03/25/2020 Follow up on Grading Policy Changes
03/24/2020 Update on Penn State Law Spring 2020 Grading Policy
03/20/2020 Supplemental Guidance on Governor Wolf's March 19 Announcement
03/20/2020 Remote Access to Law Library Resources Information (Information at this link will be updated on an on-going basis.)
03/18/2020 Extension of Remote Course Delivery, Postponement of Commencement, and Other Important Updates
03/16/2020 Supporting Each Other in Day 1 of Remote Instruction
03/14/2020 Building Access and Support for Students During Remote Instructional Period
03/12/2020 Student Information for Taking Regularly-Scheduled Law Courses Online
03/11/2020 Update on Penn State Law Plans to Support Remote Learning
Penn State Law Spring 2020 Grading Policy
Updated Memorandum on Penn State Law Spring 2020 Grading Changes (4/14/2020)
Grading FAQs
Penn State Law Student Assistance
Penn State Law COVID-19 Student Support Fund
SBA Virtual Food Pantry
Penn State Law Offices
During this period of remote learning, Penn State Law's services are still available to students. If you need assistance in any of these areas, please reach out through the email addresses and links provided. Keep in mind that while you may still email individuals within each department, utilizing the department contact will allow for faster response times.
Office Contacts & Related Links
Office Contacts & Related Links
Additional Resources
Penn State Remote Resources
Remote Religious Holiday Resources
Online Learning
Online Learning
- Remote Learning FAQs:
- Tools like Canvas, Zoom, Office 365 (including Teams), and Kaltura allows students to collaborate, discuss course work, and complete assignments.
- 24/7 tech support
- WiFi Accessibility
- Penn State is working with local providers (Comcast, AT&T, and CenturyLink) to increase bandwidth.
- Comcast has agreed to provide two months of free internet for qualifying individuals; learn more about this and other services Comcast is working to provide in this company press release.
- Penn State is also working to provide students with wifi hotspots in situations where local providers are unable to assist.
Finances & Insurance
Finances & Insurance
- Penn State has a Student Emergency Fund that Penn State Law students can apply to.
- The student health insurance office has confirmed that, regardless of status, students who have purchased health insurance will have valid coverage until August 12, 2020.
Student Affairs, Counseling, and Student Wellness
Student Affairs, Counseling, and Student Wellness
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- CAPS is currently providing limited clinical services by phone. To access services, call: (814) 863-0395
- For immediate and urgent mental health concerns:
- Call CAPS Monday through Friday (8am – 5pm EST), 814-863-0395
- Call the 24/7 Penn State Crisis Line 24/7 at (877) 229-6400
- Text the 24/7 CrisisTextLine: Text “LIONS” to 741741
- Go to the Mount Nittany Medical Center Emergency Department, 1800 E. Park Avenue, State College, PA, 814-234-6110
- Call the Penn State Policy, 814-863-1111 or call 911
- WellTrack: free app and online self-evaluation tool that offers tips for managing stress and anxiety, self-help videos, and guidance in determining next steps.
- Student Disability Resources (SDR) - Students who received accommodations from SDR for the spring 2020 semester should continue to have access to their accommodations throughout remote delivery of courses.
- Student Care and Advocacy
- Resources for the Legal Profession During COVID-19, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers - PA, updated April 3, 2020
Tips for Caring for Your Health and Wellness
Tips for Caring for Your Health and Wellness
As we all work together to transition to working from home, supporting our students on campus and remotely, learning new technologies, and adjusting to a variety of home situations, it’s important to remember to take care of ourselves. Below are tips and suggestions for how to care for yourself and maintain your health and wellness during these difficult times, compiled by several Student Affairs units across campus.
- Stay connected during social distancing: It is critical that we find new ways to maintain our human connection. Consider reaching out via text, phone, and video conferencing. Challenge yourself to reach out to friends and family daily. Reaching out will remind loved ones and friends that they are not alone.
- Create a routine: A routine is what makes us feel healthy, productive, and accomplished. It is critical to build structure into your day to keep you motivated. This may include setting regular sleep and wake times, maintaining regular hygiene routines, setting time for work, connecting with others, exercise, etc.
- Exercise regularly: As gyms and fitness centers close their doors, it is important to find new ways and approaches to incorporate regular exercise in your day. Connect with a friend to create accountability and make sure you get your workouts in. Many local gyms and fitness centers are offering online options. Below are some additional free resources.
- YMCA: Free online exercise class to enjoy at home
- Yoga with Adrienne: Check out free Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube
- Campus Recreation: Follow @PennStateCRec on Facebook or Instagram for free videos from our student group fitness instructors and Student Affairs staff
- Peloton: Many online classes, not just cycling; free 90-day trial
- Planet Fitness: Free online classes
- Reduce stress: Finding ways to reduce stress and anxiety is critical to your overall health and wellness. Find ways to create meaningful breaks for yourself throughout the day. Try taking time to read a book, keep a journal, meditate, get out into nature, explore a new hobby, etc. Below are some resources to help you get started:
- Maintain a healthy diet: Stress can drive many of us to unhealthy eating habits but now is a critical time to maintain our most healthy approach to eating to give us the energy and stamina we need to deal with all the shifts and changes. Here are a few ideas to inspire you:
- Stay informed, but limit time on social media and news outlets: To help reduce fear and anxiety about the coronavirus, one of the most important things you can do is limit your exposure to news and social media. While it’s important to stay informed, set an intentional time limit and then disconnect. Below are some websites that can help you stay up to date with accurate information.
- Wellness articles, websites, and other resources:
- Just for fun
Local Information
Local Information
- There is a Centre County COVID-19 Community Response team that has gathered forces to provide support for people throughout Centre County. The website consists of a continually updated list of services and support for community members. Please share widely and email them if there are more resources you
would like to share!